Is it better to have greater profitability or growth in business?

Profit vs Growth

When you’re starting out in business, you might think increased profitability is the same thing as growth. But there is a difference. And favouring one over the other could land you in hot water.  So what’s the difference, and should you focus on growth, or profitability first? Profitability So, the profitability of a business is […]

3 Ways to Nail your Payroll Process

Nail Your PayRoll System

There’s no doubt that times continue to be tough for business owners. And although energy prices are not expected to rise significantly in Jersey for a while, the island is certainly not immune from the cost-of-living crisis.  With gas bills rising and inflation on the upswing, businesses are looking to find ways to streamline their […]

Prior Year Basis (PYB) 2019 – Ways to pay

In 2020, the States Assembly voted to move all PYB taxpayers to a Current Year Basis (CYB) of paying tax. As part of the reform, PYB 2019 tax bills were frozen for later payment.   These tax leaflets explain the payment options available if you’re a former PYB taxpayer, for paying your PYB 2019 tax bill. […]

Combined Employment Returns – What are they and how do they affect my business?

From January 2022, the way in which your tax, social security, manpower and benefit in kind returns are submitted is changing.  Whereas before, any business with employees needed to submit these returns individually at different times of the year, from 2022 the process is becoming streamlined with filing dates being aligned and returns combined so that […]


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